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    Professional General Medicine Speciality

    The Department of General Medicine is the backbone of Pardeep Healthcare Center. It takes the best in class care of admitted patients and also patients who come in the outpatient department having a broader vision & expertise. Our Department of General Medicine is proud to deliver comprehensive care with the help of our subspecialties.
    These include emergency and critical care departments for patients who have multiple organ systems involvement. Thanks to our highly experienced and dedicated team of General Medicine consultants, all our patients received the best treatment regardless of the disease’s complexity or rarity. We at Pardeep Healthcare Center possess an excellent team of doctors who provide top-grade care & management. Our services are not just limited to the treatment that we provide but our doctors also create awareness regarding a healthy lifestyle and how to prevent non-communicable diseases.

    High Quality Treatment

    Our general medicine doctors provide top-grade treatment irrespective of the complexity of the disease or rarity. They deploy the best practices for managing the different communicable or infectious and also non-communicable diseases. These are typically viral febrile illnesses like dengue, chicken pox, influenza, chikungunya, etc. Also, a few other diseases include malaria, tuberculosis, typhoid, pneumonia, meningitis, hepatitis, liver abscess, and urinary tract infections.

    Wide Range of Specialities

    Our general medicine department also deals with various non-communicable chronic diseases including Diabetes, COPD, HTN, Bronchial Asthma, stroke, migraine, myocardial infarction, arthritis, chronic kidney disease, etc.